
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Slips, Trips, Falls And Back Injuries Compensation Cases

Accident at work compensation claims frequently result from slips, trips and falls. These pose a factor in all workplaces, from the quietest office to the busiest warehouse, and can lead to a huge range of health problems. While back injuries compensation claims, broken bones, sprains and pulled muscles are common, in some cases, slips can cause brain damage or even death.
Slips, trips and falls
According to the Health and Safety Executive, more than 10,000 people suffered a serious injury due to a trip or slip at work last year, with this hazard representing more than one-third of all major workplace injuries. While agriculture, catering and construction represent particularly hazardous environments that pose a serious risk of a fall, even a wet floor in an office lobby can cause someone to slip and seriously hurt themselves.
Therefore, the danger of slips, trips and falls should be a serious concern in all business’ risk assessments. Employers should perform these risk assessments regularly, ensure that their management systems are effective, and ensure they are aware of any relevant health and safety regulations and laws.
Read More: Slips, Trips, Falls And Back Injuries Compensation Cases

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