High-profile abuse scandals and grooming cases might have caused members of the public to become concerned about their likelihood of the victims of these crimes succeeding in criminal injuries compensation cases. While child abuse solicitors can always help the victims of crime achieve compensation and pursue criminal cases against their attackers, there are worries that changes to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority could mean that adults who were abused as children miss out on the money they deserve.
Criminal injuries compensation has always been less generous than other compensation payouts – claimants usually receive more money when the perpetrator is a negligent third party. The idea behind the scheme is that the state has behaved in a negligent fashion by not protecting its taxpaying citizens, with compensation generally following a fixed scale that relates to the extent of the claimant’s injuries.
Criminal Injuries Compensation
This compensation is paid through state revenues through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), and recent government proposals as part of state austerity measures have considered scrapping this form of compensation altogether or severely curtailing it. As a result of these initiatives, the amount of funding provided to the scheme was reduced on 27th November 2012, and a new set of rules applies for applications made after this date.
Payments will be less generous when compensating loss of earnings, medical expenses or other quantifiable losses, while the tariffs for certain types of crime have been reduced.
It is not just victims of child abuse who will be affected by these changes – anyone who has been the victim of a violent crime can make a criminal injuries claim – any team of solicitors in Blackburn could have dealt with broken jaws, fractured eye sockets, back injury compensation and a wide range of other injuries as well as child abuse.
Read More: How Criminal Injuries Compensation Changes are Affecting Child Abuse Payouts
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